Planning Issues

The Steyning Society keeps an eye on Planning Applications for building developments that are submitted to Horsham District Council. We aim to influence any further developments of our lovely town.

Please see the latest Steyning and area planning news below

64, High Street

An application has been made for new illuminated signage at the newsagents’ shop at 64 High Street.  The Society, in common with the Parish Council, has lodged an objection to the application on the ground that the proposal is not in keeping with the character of the High Street.  Please click here to see the Society’s objection:64 High Street.  The application can be seen on the planning section of Horsham District Council’s website.

Glebe Farm

Outline planning permission, subject to conditions, was granted for the erection of 265 dwellings on the site at Glebe Farm on 28th September.2024.

Horsham District Council’s Local Plan.


The Local plan was put out for consultation earlier this year and is now under consideration by an independent inspector.  The Inspector has set dates in December 2024 and January 2025 for public hearings in respect of the plan.  At the moment, it seems likely that the Inspector will be considering the allocation for Steyning on Tuesday, 21st January 2025 but anyone wanting to attend the hearing should follow developments on Horsham District Council’s website because this may change during the course of the inspection.    Anyone wishing to participate in the hearings must give notice of their intention to do so by 5 pm on Friday,1st November 2024, using the email address   

The Pan covers the period 2023 to 2040 and aims to deliver the social, economic and environmental needs of the District. It contains a number of strategic policies and general planning policies which identify development locations to meet employment, housing, retail and other needs and sets the framework for the protection of the natural and built environment.  The South Downs National Park is excluded, its planning policies are set out in the South Downs National Park Local Plan.

The Plan has been prepared in accordance with National Planning Policy Guidance and takes account of the evidence base such as housing and employment needs, water supply, biodiversity, flooding and infrastructure.

Proposals for development

The Plan states that the key challenge for the District is how it can continue to protect its environmental quality alongside pressures for development and growth whilst maintaining a high quality of life for its residents.

The Development Hierarchy of the District is identified as Horsham Town as the main settlement surrounded by a network of smaller towns and villages and the rural countryside. Steyning and Bramber defined as part of this network “with a good range of services and facilities, strong community networks and local employment provision with reasonable rail and/or bus services.”

The Plan allows for development beyond existing settlement boundaries through site allocations and sets out a series of criteria to be applied –

  • appropriate to the scale and function of the settlement
  • meets local housing or employment needs
  • does not prejudice long term development
  • is contained within an existing defensible boundary and landscape and townscape character features are maintained and enhanced
  • it can demonstrate water neutrality


The Plan sets out a series of policies covering Climate Change and Water;  Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment;  Development Quality, Design and Heritage; Infrastructure, Transport and Healthy Communities and Economic Development.


The Chapter on Housing notes that all local planning authorities are required by Government to calculate a “local housing need” figure based on a standard methodology. For Horsham District this is assessed as 911 dwellings per annum or 15,487 in the 17 year period between 2023 and 2040.

The Plan identifies previously allocated strategic sites at Horsham, Kilnwood Vale and Southwater together with new strategic sites at Ifield, Southwater and Billingshurst to provide nearly 10,000 of this need. The additional needs will be met by allocating sites in the towns and villages such as Henfield (55 homes); Partridge Green (255 homes); Small Dole (40 homes) and Storrington (125 homes).

Steyning – Glebe Farm allocation

This site is subject to a planning application DC/21/2233 which is still unresolved and which is considered below. We submitted an objection at the time, as it was not allocated in the Local Plan. This is changed by the latest plan.

The housing allocation is for 265 homes at the Glebe Farm site

The Plan states that development at this site will be supported where proposals –

  • provide safe vehicular access from the A283 (Steyning by-pass)
  • maximise and enhance connectivity to Steyning Village centre through improvements to local pedestrian and cycle networks
  • are landscape-led informing site layout and capacity, safeguarding key views to and from the South Downs and protecting all other elements of landscape character.

The site assessment (appendix 7b) published with the plan notes that Steyning is classified as a larger village, with a good range of services and facilities including a primary school, GP surgery, leisure centre and a range of shops in the centre. It notes that the site could be accessed from the A283 with secondary active travel and emergency access from Kings Barn Lane. It is assessed as having moderate capacity for medium-scale housing development, being relatively contained with the topography undulating across the site. Any design would need to minimise the impact on the South Downs. It states that the site and surrounding land are not designated as important for nature conservation and there are no overriding ecological constraints preventing its allocation.

The Plan states that it is recognised that any development would need to ensure that there are no impacts on the local wildlife site located to the east and should be designed to deliver biodiversity enhancements. Due consideration of the setting of the Grade II listed Northfield Cottage will be required. Allocation would depend on addressing issues concerning improving environment quality, safe vehicular access, supporting biodiversity and improving pedestrian and cycle connectivity to the village centre. Any scheme should be landscape led with green infrastructure provision as a key component. The site layout should also incorporate views of the South Downs.

There is no mention of the Lithium Battery Storage Plant and its potential impact on the site and future development

Steyning Society’s comments on Glebe Farm

The Society has concerns about this allocation and considers that it should only be made and included in the Local Plan if the following conditions can be met –

  • It can be shown that there is sufficient capacity in the town’s school and medical facilities such they can cope with the impact of this development
  • There is no vehicular access to the site from Kings Barn Avenue, apart from emergencies and for cycles and pedestrians
  • The principal access is from the Steyning By-pass with a new roundabout
  • Landscaping conditions are imposed and biodiversity is enhanced
  • The setting of the listed building to the south is enhanced
  • Green infrastructure and views of the South Downs are incorporated
  • Flooding and drainage issues are resolved particularly the existing flooding problems associated with the Downs Link and Kings Barn Lane
  • Clarification that the Lithium Battery Storage Plant has no impact on the allocation

The Society recognises that Steyning will need to take its share of the District’s future housing needs but this must be proportionate and managed so that any impact on facilities, roads, drainage and landscape is appropriate.

There are existing brownfield sites at the former Steyning Grammar School, Brotherhood Hall, Church Street and Elm Grove Lane which do not seem to have been included in the assessment of development potential in the town.

We have submitted objections and representations in the prescribed form which can be viewed by following the link: Horsham District Local Plan Reg. 19 representation by Steyning Society copy 2[26147]

Proposed development in Elm Grove

The appeal against the Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for the redevelopment  of the B & W Building in Elm Grove Lane was allowed in July 2021 but, as at 31st January 2024, no further application has been made in respect of the site.  The Society had previously objected to the proposal.

The decision  allowing the appeal can be found using the link  You can read the full objection to the proposed development  here: Elm Grove DC200789 Steyning Society objection